Many moving parts must work in unison for logistics processes to fall into place. Having a strong network is critical for logistics performance management. A strong carrier network can ensure the supply chain runs as planned, and consists of the use of analytics platforms to retrieve data and yield actionable insights. This is combined with automated technology systems and other analytical processes. The goal is to create a strategic approach for optimal transportation performance and visibility.
One problem with vital performance monitoring is poor logistics performance management. Much of this comes from a fear of automation and technological advances for business intelligence. According to Inbound Logistics, "Notwithstanding the need for new technology… it has become an increasing challenge for the logistics industry to stay on top of new advances in business processes. Taking advantage of these new opportunities sounds enticing, but adoption and onboarding can be overwhelming." To be successful in logistics management, supervisors must embrace modern technology. It is the best way to continue growing and thriving in the changing industry today.
One way to improve logistics insights is to learn how to navigate the e-commerce world of automation, 3PL partnerships, and freight management. This can be achieved with logistics performance management practices:
Ensuring shippers can adapt and respond to data is critical for the shipping managers. A crucial part of increasing throughput is the ability to adapt and respond.
Improving logistics and performance management can seem overwhelming at times. However, it becomes straightforward when broken down into manageable bits. Logistics and transportation networks must maintain an accurate focus on supply chain KPIs. Managers must also ensure SMART logistics performance management and optimization focus. For reference, that means choosing and creating KPIs that carry these characteristics.
This sort of approach allows logistics managers and shippers to stay on the same page. It also for better collaboration through every step of the shipping process.
Performance management becomes essential for optimization. This includes various aspects of the logistics management strategy. Cutting back on wasted time, resources, working hours, and processes can help improve profits and increase throughput. Improving logistics performance management can get overwhelming. With the right focus and insight, it will more than pay for itself in the long run. Contact Intelligent Audit to get started.
Set up a call with one of our experts to discuss how Intelligent Audit can help your business uncover opportunities for cost reduction and supply chain improvements through automated freight audit and recovery, business intelligence and analytics, contract optimization, and more.